
8 days count down

Making lists of things to bring and organizing.

I found a place I'd really like to stay at; http://www.somewheretostay.com.au/students/ .

I am still homeless, I mean, I haven't gotten my own place to stay yet but this place meets my budget and is in the area Anna tipped me about, so pleeeease give me a room! Living at a back-packer place feels exciting, to meet back-packers from around the world and get inspired!
So lets cross our fingers that I get it!

Today I have applied for Airport Reception; "Students who are met at the airport through the ISS Airport Reception service are given a Welcome Letter, City Map, and a Gardens Point Campus Map"

Also, I have made a schedual for the day I arrive.

* Meet the QUT people at the airport.

* Get to Gardens Point for the "New to Brisbane" session ("New to Brisbane is specifically for new students who have recently arrived in Brisbane. This is usually the first opportunity to address any concerns you have about orientation, transport, living in Brisbane, personal safety or studying at QUT.")

* Get a room at Somewhere to Stay.

I tend to be spontanious and not follow plans so yeah, we'll see how good I will be at holding this schedual.

(getting organized)